The basics of simple happiness

The basics of simple happiness

There is nothing more important in the world than a peaceful state of mind which is highly lacking.   All of us are suffering from tensions or worries of any kind, be it professional or personal. There is no one in the world who has not undergone any kind of hardships. This is where sometimes a tranquil state of mind is required. However, a peaceful and relaxed state of mind can be observed by yoga or meditation. This is where you need to know about the various techniques to relax your mind. Read the rest of the article to know more details about the same.

Nibanna is the ultimate goal of Buddhist meditation is the belief of many. Knowing about the various people in and around the whole world who are undergoing various kinds of suffering is enough to create a mental setback. But with happiness comes a feeling of contentment so it is very important to keep your work at a level which does not overburden you. The Enlightened One has never said that there is no happiness in sensuality. The people all over the world are trying to follow sensuality in their quest for happiness. This is because they are unaware of the truth.

There are so many reasons as to why people meditate in order to have a healthy body and mind or get rid of their mental blocks. However, there are many people who try to meditate at a higher level for cleansing of the soul from earthly sufferings and to liberate themselves from sufferings.  You can also have your own reasons for practicing meditation. However, Lord Buddha was the ultimate person who realized that the key to true peace of mind is freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

The basic fundamental is the trained mind which shows excellent signs of happiness. An untrained mind is always in diversions and never focused. So, it becomes necessary to train your mind and set it in concentrated motion. An unhappy or diverting mind cannot be at peace without meditation. So, you need to know about the various types of techniques for meditation. The  renowned and recognised ānāpānasati meditation to try is very relevant here in this aspect. Try meditation as a form of art and you will be surprised as to how relaxing your mind becomes in the next few hours.